More images of the pool and the play yard. There are so many memories wrapped around the house in Greenwood. For the most part, the kids were very little when we moved back to Indiana from Ohio. Being younger, we watched them begin the move from helpless to help us. The move from little and dependent to independent. The pool as I have mentioned many times now was a large part of what we did. My wife was a stay-at-home mom by our decision for most of the time we were in Greenwood.
So the kids and my wife would swim every day in the summer. In part this was because we were worried, twins, premature twins in particular, often struggle with school early on. The early years for multiples are the hardest on the parents, but the school years are the hardest on the twins (triplets and so on). We wanted to create a safe and warm place where the twins could mature and be ready for school.
There are, over the last 30 years some decisions I would take back. Things that are looking back now I realize were mistakes. But having my wife home with the boys as they struggled to get started, is not one of those decisions I would take back. That is one I would do over and over. It was the right decision, the best decision and effectively for our family the only decision that would work. One decision I do regret is the wood chips around the play yard. The first time the new drain we installed to change the flow of water around our backyard took all the wood chips off the play area. It took me all day to rake them up and recover the play area.