
Wander project Bonus Pictures Annapolis MD

Bonus pictures of the Inner Harbor of Annapolis Maryland. I meant to share this a couple of days ago but time got in the way of reality. The Inner Harbor is a fun place to wander, first off because you can see all the fun styles of boats.

There are also some restaurants with the dock you can pull up to and have dinner or lunch. We’ve been back in that area during Navy Football games; there is a lot of boatgating (where you tailgate on a boat) that disappears quickly about 20 minutes before kickoff (it is about a 10-minute walk from the inner harbor to the Navy Football Stadium).

For those not in the US reading this, tailgating is an American tradition. Before football games, fans gather in the parking lot (near the tailgates of their cars) and grill food, share a few moments with other fans and then head into the game. It is as much American Football as anything else you could do!

I am sure I will share more pictures of Annapolis in a final couple of weeks of boating season.


What do you think?

Written by DocAndersen

One fan, One team and a long time dream Go Cubs!!!!!!!!!!!!!