
Wander project the 2nd 4th birthday Greenwood Indiana…

I would have to say that the home 4th birthday was also interesting. But that is because of who is in the pictures. We’ve had some dogs that have lived with us over the years (There are four living with us now). Gwen was the dog that moved from Cincinnati to Indiana with us. Francine joined us in Indiana. The images from the 4th birthday are mostly of Francine Marshmutt Andersen. Her name was already chosen when at ten weeks she came to live with us.

There have been dogs in my life over the years, Dylan today is my buddy. Raven is a sweetheart. Tamsyn and Serenity are both wonderful dogs. But Fran was the queen of the house for many years. She was the protector of the kids. She would stand on alert ready to jump into the pool if something was wrong (but never getting wet, Fran used to get horrible ear infections). She would watch the kids, making sure they were ok at all times.

She was my daughter’s protector. She took care of her, always. Except when it came to food hidden in my daughter’s bedroom. If my daughter didn’t share properly, Fran would turn state’s evidence on her, and lead me to the food. Then I would confiscate the food, yell at my daughter and the one thing my daughter never knew, give Fran a finders fee. Normally just a few bits of the food form her Girl’s Room. Enough to keep the system flowing to my advantage!


What do you think?

Written by DocAndersen

One fan, One team and a long time dream Go Cubs!!!!!!!!!!!!!