W. C. Fields plays Carnival Barker Gabby Gilfoil in Two Flaming Youths, 1927.

Understanding Shills – part 13

The    reality is that some sites  had actually hired and paid people to be  Shills.   People were paid to tout a site,  to bring users to the site, and to attack those who complained about the site.

Today, this is unnecessary.  There is a population of  fools willing to be Shills for free.

In  a  previous article I mentioned a chap who was hired by a writing site to solicit members and defend the site. He was paid.

Originally, he was paid 1c from each member’s earnings, (there were over 20k users earning).

His earning process was simple.   Just before pay out the A.I. deducted 1c from every account.

The site Owner decided to steal 5c from every account.

The Shill prepared to defend the site when the users noticed noticed the discrepancy.

He didn’t have to.  An average user, who wouldn’t know the owner if he spit on her,  began to defend the site and attack those who complained that their earnings were tampered with..

This volunteer made a clown of herself, explaining and defending when the truth was simple; The Owner did take money from each account.  The Site WAS ripping off the users.

The fool was such a good Shill the owner fired the ones he had paidl, because this clown would not only work for free but would defend his robbing her.


What do you think?

Written by jaylar