Years ago, when there were a plethora of writing sites, those with slow moderation got left. This is because one would post an item on Expertpages, then if it didn’t show up in thirty minutes, post it on Wikinut. Hence slow moderation was a throat cutter.
Years ago, sites were ‘tested’ by writers posting fabricated meaningless items. For example, pretending to be a clown in a circus and having a good laugh as invented situations were flung about. If the site didn’t pay or captured the work, it was a shrug.
Years ago, when good sites got wobbly some folks would take an old item they’d published, twist it a bit, and repost so that in case the site was sold to good managers or paid, they’d not have harmed themselves.
Today, with so few sites available, the writers have to create their own blogs.
Which might be a bit more work but does pay.
A few sites would warn the public; Wikinut did, others just here today, gone tomorrow
That is pretty much what went down with all those sites.