Mother with Schizophrenia. Child suffering from schizophrenic parent being loved and hatred at the same time

Narcissists; Their Cruelty is Implicit – Part 9

If Narcissists carried signs, or dressed a certain way,  you would be able to identify them. But they don’t.

What you need to be alert to is not intellectual clues, but your ‘gut’.

When you meet someone who seems a bit ‘off’ and your gut is pulling away, follow it. Most people don’t. Most give this someone ‘ a chance’.

Take this event;

You are at a cocktail party, not part of the main group. You are on the fringes. You move around, greeting this one or that and someone you’ve never seen before greets you. Acting nice and a charming, this person engages you in a light conversation.

Often, during the conversation they admit their failings or difficulties, but do it in an almost philosophical way.

As you talk and talk, this person listens, and commends you on your insight. You are feeling comfortable, important. Almost protective of this other person.

You have just met a Narcissist.


What do you think?

Written by jaylar