Abstract cyberspace computer digital background with digital falling lines, binary hanging chain

More Cyber Tips – Zoom


The videoconferencing app Zoom had its popularity soar due to the corona virus pandemic. It is  used by millions of people as lockdowns are imposed and people work from home.

Straight up;  its data security and privacy measures are poor.

Anyone can hack in,  can remove attendees from meetings, spoof messages, hijack shared screens etc. because Zoom  doesn’t offer end-to-end encryption.   This  means anyone can see a meeting and do what they want with the information.

Further,  whomever is hosting the Zoom call check if participants are clicking away from the main Zoom window so gets a whole biography of their online lives.   

On top of this, it keeps records it can sell  to those who are interested in buying.

Using Zoom is walking naked down main street.


What do you think?

Written by jaylar

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