
How Writing Sites Destroy Themselves – 55

I keep posting it, over and again;  There are no such things as ‘Glitches’.

Sure, the new site might have issues, but after it has been up for six months, anything you think is a ‘glitch’ is a deliberate action by the Owners to prevent you from posting and earning.

For example;  every so often you can’t log on.   It isn’t a glitch.  The Owners have blocked you and most others. It might let a few flunkies get on, but the majority will be blocked.

Most will give up and come back tomorrow.   A few might try again in an hour, three hours or so.

Some might get on, some might not.

The point is to prevent you from posting.  Meaning, stop you from Earning.

Then there is the demand for an image, and you can’t load one.  This is NOT a Glitch.  The owners have physically blocked your ability to post an image.  They did this to prevent you from posting.

When you see your earnings ‘pending’ and as it reaches the 15th of the month or the 30th,  they play with your money so that they may take in 10,000k and have to put 5k in their pocket so you just get ripped.

Don’t be fooled.


What do you think?

Written by jaylar