
Everywhere is Here – No – 5

My biggest shock came when I received a response to an article I had written about troubleshooting a business; a Five Star Hotel.

I had long given nick names to the particular workers who committed certain actions.

The woman who is at the Front Desk, busy on the phone, ignoring the people in front of her I call; “Keisha.”  The cleaner who steals is ‘Odette’, the pompous manager is Pettyfoo.

Suddenly, I received a sharp comment from a reader in which I was attacked for being  ‘racist’ as no ‘black woman’ would have a job as a front desk clerk in a Five Star Hotel.

I couldn’t believe a person thought that what exists in America exists everywhere else in the world.

Especially, in Jamaica.


What do you think?

Written by jaylar


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    • What I found so amazing is that I always made it clear I was in Jamaica. I wonder why anyone would want to live in a country in which the idea that a Black Woman could be the Front Desk Clerk at a Hotel, (much less the Prime Minster or Chief Justice), is unthinkable.

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