There are a lot of mistakes you don’t have to make. A lot of actions that simply require a pause, a consideration, before you take them.
Whether it is one of those “You Won!” pop ups, or something along those lines, or joining a site and giving way too much information, it is in your hands.
Very often you feel ‘safe’ when you are most in danger.
These are a few real events that happened to people who did not expect it.
Events that, in retrospect, you can see how easily the person was duped; how you could have been duped.
the last cyber certification I took a test for, the person teaching us said “always assume you are already hacked.”
When we first got on … BBS time cause it was 1995 before we got commercial internet…. we ‘learned’ about hacking. And we learned what Kevin Mitnick called ‘Social Engineering’.
Having ‘caught our fraid’ as we’d say in Yard… we got onto the Internet with suspicion you could cut with a knife. We had various email accounts in nick names, we shared nothing, some of us used Linux and avoided Windows… never used ‘Exploder’ if we had to use Windows….
And, most of all having come into the ‘Net needing to know something about Cobol and Dos and all the other basics… we were shocked with the ’95 point and click and with people revealing themselves so that I could tell you the street certain people lived on…. imagine people sharing so much!
i watch people post vacation pictures while they are on vacation.
then when they come home their house is empty.
i don’t understand why people are so limited. I always assume I am hacked.
i have layers behind the layers people see.
The most dangerous is posting anything about your children…what school they go to or anything like that….
i was always careful to never share that information until they had long moved to a different school.
the other risk is believing we are safe.
I am shocked to be on a site like FB– using an alias and sharing nothing more than political or social views…and discussing Star Trek and stuff like that and others will post their past histories so that if I wanted I could find their address, who they are related to… etc…(you know how easy that is)… why? Why do it?
On FB my friends are people I have coffee with, went to their weddings, and anything I need to say to them is done in messenger or video call.
Just like here, people have no idea what sex/race/age I am.
well personally i don’t care about age/race/sex/religion or anything else for that matter.
I am all about the ideas!
but people do sometimes overshare on social media.
Reality is that I don’t share, not even those features, much less personal ones
i do understand that overall, it is certainly a good way to stay secure.
When I joined FB it was to play Scrabble… its not there anymore. My friends… as previously described, have their pages so I tell them this is me… and we messenger.
I know the dangers. Most people don’t.
messenger makes me very nervous honestly.
I use it to send messages to people I know, often to make those video chats with those abroad. I don’t take messages from people I don’t know.
based on what I have seen with messenger I would say it is very insecure at best.