Abstract cyberspace computer digital background with digital falling lines, binary hanging chain

Cyber Tips – Facebook – 2

The owner of Facebook isn’t the only exploiter. 

Here is a Facebook user; a burglar by profession.  He  has piles of ‘friends’ whose pages he visits all the time.  

He talks about vacations and how much he enjoyed this place or that one, and someone will post;

“It sounds great!  I’m going there on Xmas.”

He’ll do quick searches and be able to say;  “If you go between the 18th and 21st you get a huge discount.”

Sounds like a plan.

So on the 18th the ‘friend’ leaves on that wonderful vacation and returns to find his house has been burglarised.

This is the nicest example of crime I can give.  I won’t mention child molesters, rapists, and others.


What do you think?

Written by jaylar

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