
Cool Tech Wander Drones and ROVs

Image courtesy of the Aguadrone website.

I suspect there are more home automation project posts coming, but for today I am wandering over to other considerations.  One of the things that I am always interested in finding and considering is the ever growing reality of Drones and ROVs. I am going to sneak in the third part of that category the growing area of configurable robotics. In particular, I am intrigued by the new robot kit from Littlebits. Littlebits is an IoT creation company that has found a niche with schools and hobbyists.

Their new Star Wars kit is really interesting and one that I am going to enjoy playing with!

Mixing water and flying is interesting for me. In part because of the number of ROVs that are appearing and shipping soon. In part because I am intrigued by the growing concept of modular drones. The first I’ve seen that embraces the modular drone concept is the Aguadrone. The product offers you the ability to see underwater, land your drone directly on the water and then turn around and attach a sonar blub on your drone. It means you can see underwater. You can see fish underwater, and you can swap the modules quickly.

Another interesting mix of the technologist is the new push-to-talk modules and attaching them to a drone. That should greatly increase the distance you can use the push-to-talk devices. Gotenna and Beartooth are the two products in the space that have shipped. I am going to attach one to my drone and see if, in fact, it increases the range. Currently, in the hills of western Maryland, I get roughly 8 miles. For hikes that are stranded, lost or injured, the ability to launch a selfie-drone with a Gotenna or Beartooth module that increases their range to 12-15 miles may be a life saver. Something I often think about!


What do you think?

Written by DocAndersen

One fan, One team and a long time dream Go Cubs!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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