Goji berry (lat. Lycium barbarum) is a woody shrub plant which gives a high-energy fruit of berry-chocolate flavor.
It grows in the Himalayas where it has been used for centuries not only in the kitchen but also in medicine.
They are also referred to as “lucky berries” or “red diamonds”.
In England, goji berries have become famous since the 18th century where they used in the kitchen and as an ornament.
At the beginning of the 21st century, their popularity is growing, when the results of medical research confirm their health impact.
The American ORAC scale that measures the antioxidant properties of foods – is far ahead of the list, while all other healthy products of nature are far below them. Here’s how much ORAC unit (Free Radical Absorption Index) is found in 100 mg of certain foods:
Some nutritionists claim that goji berries are the next source of youth, and in Asia they are already consuming generations in the faith that they will live longer. In traditional Chinese medicine, they have a long tradition of using liver protection, improving circulation and vision, strengthening immunity, increasing fertility and promoting longevity.Their role was also noted in the treatment of Alzheimer’s disease, memory problems, headaches, eating disorders, dizziness, stress, anxiety, and improved concentration. They strengthen the immunity, hair and nails, raise the level of energy, strengthen circulation and reduce chronic or acute fatigue. They help to improve vision, increase sexual desire and male fertility, and they are beneficial for blood glucose and cholesterol levels.

<a href="https://pixabay.com/" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Source</a>
Dry goji berries are available in our market, and the ways of their consumption are numerous. Apart from being excellent when eating alone, as an excellent and useful substitute for many snacks, they can be consumed as cereal flakes with milk or yoghurt, in addition to soups or teas, fried in a delicious beverage and in combination with other berries and nuts.
Great post! Nice picture!
thank you Georgi…….
That was fascinating, I will have to try them 🙂
they are very tasty…..
I ate them fresh, the komsija planted 3 wines, they are very tasty