
Lying To Yourself

This is not false memory  which has its own parameters.  This is when for some twisted reason one lies to themselves and others.  The lie is often created to create a different ‘narrative’ to reality.

Sometimes the lies are said to hurt someone, or prove something.  And the more they are repeated the stronger they become.

You can tell when people are lying if you hear them repeat the same statements over and again in a robotic voice.

Sometimes right after the lie they will ‘prove’ they are lying.

For example, to hurt their mother, George and Eric would claim their grandmother was a “Great Mother’.  They would say it in a manner to make the statement; “You were a terrible mother”,  unnecessary.

Yet, within a sentence or two, George would whine about never having a birthday party or going to the zoo.

Although they claimed to love their grandmother, when they moved away they rarely visited or called and as years passed, they had so little contact they were unaware of her serious medical condition for years.

If they had been honest they might have been able to repair their relationship with their mother, but because of their dishonesty, they wound up alone.


What do you think?

Written by jaylar


  1. This is so true … having work and lived with someone that needs to be right 101% of the time …
    you sometimes do have to compliment their creativity in coming up with stupid lies even a 3 year old would easily spot!