A cenote is a natural pit or sinkhole, resulting from the collapse of limstone bedrock that exposes groundwater underneath. The porous nature of the limestone, allowed rainwater to fill underground tunnels and caverns, giving form to small underground lakes. When the roof of a cave would collapse, a cenote would be formed. This natural phenomenon has became a very popular touristic attraction.
Why do they call it “The gateway to underworld”?
Ancient Maya used these in their religious activities. Natural pits were very important for them, regarding the fact that they were seen as water source and gate to the underworld. Despite, they are the favorite challenge for cave divers. Cenote water is very clear, as the water comes from rain water filtering slowly through the ground.

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Many of these can be located in Yucatan Peninsula of mexico. Over 6000 different cenotes can be found there. Only 2400 of them have been actually studied and registered. Many of them are not explored yet. Tourists that visit this place don’t miss the chance to explore the beauty of the most famous cenotes.
The most beautiful and famous sinkholes in Yucatan are:
- Cenote en Cenotillo
- Cenote en Cuzamá
- Dzinup
- Ikkil
- Kankirixche
- Zaci