
Wonderful way to be happy.

A woman used to write down her daily pleasures on paper before going to bed every night. One night he wrote:

1. I am happy that my husband gets are ng sores all night because he is alive and I have it. So I thank God for that.

2. I am happy that my son contends early in the morning that mosquitoes do not sleep overnight, meaning he spends the night at home and does not wander. So I thank God again.

3. I am happy that every month electricity, gas, water, gasoline, have to pay a special tax. That is all I have in my possession. How difficult life would have been if it had not been. So I again thank God.

4. I am happy that by the end of the day I am feeling tired and exhausted. I have the strength to work hard all day long. And this power and courage is only by the grace of Allah. So I again thank God.

5. I am happy that I have to sweep my house daily and clean the windows and windows. Thankfully I have a house. What will happen to those who do not have it? Thank my Lord

6. I am glad that sometimes I get a little sick, which means I am mostly healthy. Thank you God.

7. I am happy that every year there is a purse on Eid gifts and gifts, that is, I have friends who want to give me gifts. If that is not the case, how wonderful is life. Thank you so much God

8. I am happy to wake up to the sound of the alarm daily, which means I get to see a new morning every day .Obviously this is the mercy of God.

By following this invaluable formula of living, you should make the lives of yourself and those who belong to you comfortable.

“Finding happiness in the smallest of problems “


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10 Points

Written by Masterfeeds

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