Service is a great tool to learn who you are and get in touch with your priorities.
When I was asked to volunteer at the local food bank I was not thrilled. It is located in a small dark warehouse. I didn’t really feel like it was my calling. I had committed to a year.
There were a few things I learned about myself in that year. I tend to struggle with adults who have no desire to be self reliant. I am drawn to children because they say what they mean and they are eager to learn. We saw mostly adults. People who came to our location seem to be one extreme or the other. It seemed to me they either felt ashamed or entitled. I saw no middle ground.
I was more judgemental in my heart than helpful. I am and was not proud of this. I felt like this was not the place I was meant to be. I didn’t have the skill set to understand that some people value pets more than children. I had things that I needed to change in my before I could be what these people depended on. I worked on those skills.
Experiences are indeed to be cherished because they make us learn more about ourselves. Of course, there are few of these experiences we’d rather avoid.
It’s hard to accept something when we don’t understand it, but I guess there are things we’ll never be able to understand.