
Pros And Cons Of Using Video Filters For Your (YouTube) Channel’s Success

A New Frontier In Content Creation
Because video filters are increasingly effective and convenient, they’re making new possibilities in the creation of content more tangible than ever. However, video filters do have issues. Some are actually a good thing, some may negatively impact your total vision if you don’t use them right. For channel success, consider the following.

Pro: Minor Issues Can Be Quickly Resolved
Sometimes a simple filter can fix a lighting issue or make a piece of film feel more qualitative. There are stabilizing apps that can make shaky video seem steady, and that can be especially worthwhile for channels that involve a lot of moving camera that isn’t “high budget”.

There are quite a few filters, and sometimes just adding one mid-stream can fix something. Essentially, think of video filters as a tool in your content creation arsenal.

Con: Certain Things Can’t Be Faked; Filters Are Obvious
Legitimate lens flare and “aged” film does look a bit hokey when a filter is used to accomplish the effect. There are times to use lens flare options in terms of filters, and times to shy away from them. It’s the same with other filter options.

For example, sepia tone shades or filters which make film appear old, weathered, and full of static tend to be evidently synthetic. Unless you’re going for that sort of thing, this may not be desirable for certain YouTube channel content.

Pro: Unapologetic Use Of Filters Can Be A Stylistic Choice
Imagine a YouTube channel that does commentary on modern pop culture trends. Now imagine the video has some sort of “flashback” sequence to a sort of humorous non-sequitur. An obvious filter on that footage could serve to differentiate it, and impart the associated content with a sense of production value otherwise hidden.

Also, you can use such unapologetic filters as a means of making wrinkles or other issues solved by cosmetics disappear. A great option here is Facetune’s skin smoothing video filter app.

Con: Improperly Used, Filters Can Hamper Content’s Impact
Too many hokey filters applied haphazardly are going to negatively impact content. Think of webpages from 2000. They were filled with all these unwelcome GIFs that slowed load times and made navigation clunky. Sometimes video filters and effects are too flashy or unnecessary for the content with which they’re used.

In situations like that, a channel could suffer. There’s a balance to achieve. Think of video filters through a variety of apps like spices to be used in the right quantities and regions of content dishes as served via YouTube. If you over-salt something, it’s inedible. Some things can’t really be eaten unless there’s a little salt involved.

Then there are things like paprika, garlic salt, dried peppers, rosemary, thyme, and the list goes on. Seldom is mixing them all a good idea, but sometimes it is. So like with cooking, too many filters improperly applied overwhelms the viewer, and content quality suffers.

Pro: Properly Used, Unique New Filters Act As A Draw For Traffic
Conversely, seasoning is often the reason a certain dish becomes loved. Alfredo sauce, Worcestershire sauce, steak sauce—varying sauces and seasonings make food more delicious. Plain rice is hard to eat; get a little sweet and sour sauce with a spicy back to it, and the most boring rice becomes delicious.

With your web content on YouTube, there is likely going to be a real need for some “spice”; whether it’s in terms of transitions, filters for the length of the video, or other affordable effects. Since video filter apps are so easy to use, you can get the psychological and visual “spice” you like very easily.

High Caliber Effects Available In An Affordable Way
Effective use of filters can expand channel traffic, but using the filters wrong will have the opposite effect; there’s a balance to achieve for sure. Stylistically speaking, there are a lot of ways a filter can ultimately be used to enhance content. However, doing so in the wrong way tends to be quite obvious—there’s a balance in this area as well.

That said, minor issues can be very easily fixed with filter apps, meaning content seems more qualitative. However, since certain things are actually quite impossible to fake, unless you’re being purposely “over-the-top” or something, filters can undermine you.

The bottom line is, there’s a lot that can be done with a variety of filters, but a little strategy beforehand will help facilitate the best end result, ultimately funneling traffic to your site.


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Written by Virily Editor

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