
People Who Can't Do Better – 47

You must not allow yourself to feel sorry for the Person who Can’t Do Better.  

They may have insulted you, impeded you, lied to you, etc.  yet, somehow you might find yourself feeling sorry for them.

Maybe it is because they have never been married, never had children,  have no one, and you, well you have all that.  Maybe it is because they are crass, inconsiderate, repulsive and pathetic.  Maybe it is because they live in a cocoon of lies.  Maybe it is because you know there are few people in the world who will tolerate them….

Don’t do it.

Don’t waste a molecule of sympathy on a person who will only use it against you.

If you even think they have mellowed or have been so nice, all you have to do is contradict them or interrupt them or touch something that belongs to them, and their vicious nature will explode.

This is because they Can’t Do Better.


What do you think?

Written by jaylar

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