I informed all teachers, Guidance Counselors, and staff that I would personally handle any complaints, queries and all matters concerning the Prom.
There were a few students who said they weren’t going on religious grounds or that they would not be in town on that date; which I expected.
A few came to me saying they were Gay or engaged or some reason which I slapped aside for I knew they were just trying to opt out.
I told them that I required a handwritten and signed letter from their parents before their names would be removed from the list and gave them the standard message:
“The Prom starts at Seven, you are to stay with your ‘date’ until Nine. The point is to test the algorithm of the Company. Just to see if the questionnaire has value. This is not marriage, this is not permanent, they just want to know if you have anything in common with the person you are matched with.”
I was fairly successful in my encouragement.
A number did bring letters stating that the family was leaving town on X day or that there were religious reasons why the parents objected to the date.
A few even had letters from psycho-analysts.
I don’t get the people who do not want to attend the prom! It is the best memory I have with my friends my age!
Yeah, but some people aren’t invited, some people are embarrassed at how they look, etc. This story is how a principal tried to prevent people staying home because they weren’t invited or felt unwanted.