
Living a God-centered life

Did you know that you were created to live in a relationship with God? That should be your number one priority. If you put God first in your life, all kinds of blessings follow. The following are the steps to follow in order to live a God-centered life;

Love God

There is enormous excitement in worship, as adoration and admiration of God in sincere action.

Pray without fail

Jesus tells the parable of the widow and the unjust judge who eventually gives in to her demands in order to stop her bothering him and wearing him out. Never give up praying and pray hardest when it is hardest to pray.

Humble yourself

Humbleness is something that you are supposed to do to yourself. Rather than exalting yourself, you are supposed to ‘humble yourself’. God promises that he will exalt you. The truth is that we are all sinners, and we are in need of God’s mercy.

Go after Jesus

Jesus calls the rich young ruler to give up everything else and follow him. The rich young ruler ‘became very sad because he was very wealthy’. It is not impossible for the rich to enter the kingdom of God, but it is very hard, not because the standards are higher, but because the risk appears greater.

I hope this article has been a blessing to you.


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