
Build Resilience

I like the word resilience. I find the word to be strong and full of hope. Every time I see the word it reminds me of another word, silence. To be resilient you must silence your fears and asses the situation with a clear mind.

 ~ Purpose ~

Everyone needs a general purpose to thrive. That purpose can change often and still be congruent with your belief system. Someone may have a general purpose of “creating joy in their life and the life of others”. The daily purpose might change to help make that happen. Know who you are and what you stand for.

~Positive Vibes~

Attitude makes a big difference with everything we encounter. People who are striving to make resilience a part of their everyday values and goals need to step up to positives vibes. Bad things happen and still you have a choice to acknowledge and move forward or stay in it and wallow. Let’s change it up with positive vibes.

~Engage With Like-values People~

It is a great thing to visit and learn from others. There are plenty of people who share similar values  and lots of different ways to express, explore and enjoy those values. You can have many differing opinions to learn from and still stick to those values.

~ Change is Growth ~

Change is happening all around us, all the time. Nothing remains constant forever.If you accept change and use it as a motivator and an opportunity to improve you are well on your way to become more resilient.

~ Look for the Rainbow ~

Ignoring the storm and bad weather is never a good idea. Living through it and preparing for the rainbow is key. We don’t have to let the circumstances guide our optimism.

~ Self Care is Essential~

Remember the speech you hear before the airplane takes off. You take the oxygen first, so you can help the child do it.

You model the behavior for those who you are learning from your example.


What do you think?

Written by Ghostwriter