Personal responsibility is not fun. It’s a part of being a “grown up” and it can be very hard, for lack of a better word. My Mom got older and yet she really never grew up. It was fun to have someone who tried to teach things in a fun and interesting way.
Once in awhile my Mom would declare it a “Blame Game Day”. Here are the rules.
1. This is meant to be fun. If can’t see the humor and it doesn’t make you laugh, then don’t play and don’t complain.
2. This is a stress reliever, it does not cause stress. If it causes you stress, don’t play.
3. This is about sharing the burden. If your shoulders aren’t wide enough, don’t play.
So you get to “blame” someone for your attitude and they get to pay it forward, by sending a blame to someone else. Most of the time these things don’t work here. I am prepared to blame someone else if it doesn’t! Here’s how it goes.
You send a private message with a link to explain the blame game. You ask if they will play. If they want to play. They will respond then write their post “blaming” someone. and invite others to play the game. (Chances are they will blame you for something too.) All blame is not negative. I can “blame” someone for teaching me something. Or sarcasm is allowed if it is clearly marked sarcasm.
Sometimes childlike play in an adult setting is good for the soul. Who will be brave?
Let’s talk about this picture. It’s one I have used in the blame game before. Depending on how you describe the picture it changes the meaning. “Close your eyes and we’ll go hide.” Oh it’s a game of hide and seek. “You did it again, you made us all laugh.” She’s a funny little girl.
Are there any game players here?
So no one responded to private email so if you want it to work, let my know you and can play too?
“My attitude is what makes me special” (quote from Cloe Price in Life is strange – before the storm)
okay, does mean you want to play the blame game -?