Prayer doesn’t need to be a well-framed word you only need to ask God for strength for the day and all that you intend to undertake in the course of the day. You should ask God for his mercies for all we do in life is by the grace of God. Prayer energizes your zeal and ability to serve others without discrimination.
Thank God for the good things he has blessed you with and remember to give thanks even for the struggles he has allowed you to go through. When you praise God and thank Him enormously and you will see His power working inside you. God is the creator of heaven and earth and all that is within and without.
Let God be blessed in everything that you do in life. Always allow Him to have the preeminence in your life.
A nice post, thank you for sharing. The lot is very important.
Thanks so much for your contribution
I think it’s very important to start, and end, each day with prayer. Thankyou for a lovely article.
You are most welcome @CoffeeQueen