
Things Happen in the New Year

Hello everyone welcome back and i just wanna say that the new start to the New Year has been a dozy.First just let me say that i am living ok had some things happen at house like water freezing up on New Years day and a week later it snowed pretty good and now something is tripping the power to our house and only half the house has power dont know why. I went out and saw the breaker was tripped so i went out and flipped the switch and it all comes back on and after a few days it pops again,and again,and yes again. thought that the water could be doing it when the snow is melting but not sure. May have faulty wires or just the main power is in a wrong place its barely off the ground outside. Right now everything is working all im going to say lol.


What do you think?


  1. I am hoping as well I made a new years resolution to some how find a way to get solar power to help with the times when the power is out because people are saying a big blizzard is coming and I wanna be prepared lol.