
The Project – 3

Tricia glanced at the rat tails of documents  Ollie had emailed.  He’d redacted all the pertinent data, so she didn’t know what he was fired for.

She had to chuckle.

How could he expect anyone to be able to offer any dram of help if they had no idea what the grounds of dismissal were?

There was not enough information to even make a guess as to what had happened. The only fact was that Ollie had been fired from his job, fifteen years ago and was now making it into a three act play.

One didn’t have to be a lawyer to know that fifteen years was rather too long for any matter to be reopened unless there was cogent new evidence.

As Ollie had not sent anything, Tricia knew the  ‘new evidence’  didn’t exist.


What do you think?

Written by jaylar