
The Project – 13

So many years ago,  Ollie had appeared at Tricia’s office, a poor version of what he was.  When he left, Tricia didn’t think of him, talk of him, remember him.  He fell out of her thoughts as dandruff.

Tricia had a life, a life full of people.

Her relationship with Andy lasted twenty years, then began to dissolve.   They remained close friends.

It was perhaps about fifteen years ago,  Ollie sent her an email. Seeing a message from him, she was quite surprised. . .wondered if something mega had happened.

She opened the email.

It said virtually nothing beyond that he wanted to stay in touch.

Tricia wondered if she should answer.   Wondered if she wanted any kind of relationship with him.

Then Tricia had shrugged,  made a polite response, went on to other emails in her account.


What do you think?

Written by jaylar