
She’d Prove Them Wrong At Every Opportunity

She’d Prove them Wrong At Every Opportunity

They told her the things
She would never do
But she’d prove them wrong at every Oppurtunity.
She leanred early on not to let
What others said define who she was
And a disability did not change
Who she was.
She was driven and determined
Living her life fully
She took part in sports
Dance and even cheerleading.
Whenver they told her she couldn’t
She’s show them just how she could.
She was stronger than the limitations put on her
A young girl with many dreams
Who wasn’t afraid to work
To achieve them.
Copyright Michelle R Kidwell

This has been on my mind all day,  so I #write,so I #Create #Poetry #OriginalContent #Michellekidwell #Activeuser


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