Is there is one thing we can all thank social media for? Yes! No matter how you’re feeling, no matter who you’re trying to impress, inspire and motivate, no matter if you just need that perfect statement to begin or end your speech or your sermon … just scan social media posts. There’s got to be a quote for it!
In many instances, you will find just the quote you were looking for and in some instances, you’ll find a nice image that goes with it. It might be a photo or drawing of the person who is being quoted. It might just be a pretty picture or a thought-provoking image that is perfectly suited to the quote.
Whether you find the words or the words with an appropriate picture, you are bound to find the quotes that will keep you going! Words that make you happy, make you thankful, make you stronger, make you think. Words that help you prioritize, give you perspective, focus you, and push you forward.
To that last tweet, I quote myself: “NOT! Uuuhh … you posted this on social media.” (O.o)
( Quotes and humor keep me going. 🙂 )
"Success is not about the money you make, but the difference you make in somebody's life." ~ Michelle Obama via #quotes #quotestoliveby #successquotes #inspiration #motivation #peopleIadmire #firstladies #inspiringwomen ~ March is Womens History Month.
— Treathyl Fox (aka cmoneyspinner) ~ #Freelancer (@cmoneyspinner) March 20, 2020
“When you deprive people of their right to live in dignity, to hope for a better future, to have control over their lives, when you deprive them of that choice, then you expect them to fight for these rights.” Queen Rania Al-Abdullah ~ #WomensHistoryMonth
— Treathyl Fox (aka cmoneyspinner) ~ #Freelancer (@cmoneyspinner) March 20, 2020
King Solomon said: "Faithful are the wounds of a friend, but the kisses of an enemy are deceitful." This quote is saying the same thing. LISTEN!! n #quotes #friendship #relationships #LifeLessons
— Treathyl Fox (aka cmoneyspinner) ~ #Freelancer (@cmoneyspinner) March 20, 2020
"If you must play decide on 3 things from the start. The rules of the game, the stakes, and the quitting time." #Quotes
-A Chinese Proverb
— Kryanguy (@kevguy88) October 28, 2019
Yep yep. And if you make it to Plan Z and that fails, then try Plan AA to ZZ, then AAA to ZZZ, then … 26 letters in the alphabet. But numbers are infinite. Just keep multiplying the letters. You still living? "Where there is life, there is hope!" LOL.
— Treathyl Fox (aka cmoneyspinner) ~ #Freelancer (@cmoneyspinner) March 20, 2020
Very appropriate quote for the #FirstDayOfSpring2020.
— Treathyl Fox (aka cmoneyspinner) ~ #Freelancer (@cmoneyspinner) March 20, 2020
what a great set of inspirational quotes! i like the last one, I go through phases with social media.
I love Michelle Obama’s quotes. She is an exceptional speaker!
When I first started on social media I got all confused with the conversation threads. After a while, I got the hang of it. Since I am at home all the time, social media has helped me with social interaction. Humans really do need that! Social distancing I can handle. Lack of social interaction would send me into a deep dark depression. I’d be singing that song from the old Hee Haw TV show. “Gloom, despair, and agony on me. Deep dark depression. Excessive misery.” Know what I mean?
i do and I agree. I can quickly connect with friends in other countries that I would have to use letters or call (expensive) it makes a huge difference.