There are some days during which nothing seems to be going our way. From the moment we wake up, one thing leads to another and none of them is good. These days are what we call bad days. Let me give you a simple illustration of a typical bad day: You wake up late at 7 am when you’re supposed to get to work at 8 am prompt. The shower stops working halfway, probably because your flatmates have finished up the water. All these were happening while you were still half-asleep. Or when you need to finish the essay for your college till the morning and it is already after midnight and you understand that you will have a sleepless night and still you will have to ask for some help with assignment.
You don’t like going to work on an empty stomach so you make your way to the kitchen, hoping that your cereal has not finished. After opening your cupboard, you realize that your cereal is in fact, finished and you forgot to get a new one yesterday as you’d planned. Resigned to taking your poorly made coffee and a few slices of toast, you go about making coffee. Then just after you’ve poured yourself a cup, your phone rings and you rush to pick it up thinking its Freddy, the hot guy who asked for your number two days ago but hasn’t called since and you end up spilling coffee on yourself. Then, you answer the call, only to realize that it’s actually a sales rep of some toothpaste company on the phone.
And after that, you rush back in to see if you still have any clean office wear. You don’t. You might have to wear that suit with the coffee stains on your lapels which will make yourself-conscious all day, trying to make sure that no one sees it. Everything is just not working out today. This is the typical way a bad day starts and continues. Okay, maybe I exaggerated a little bit, but on a bad day, it feels like everything in the world is against you. You’re clumsy, easy to startle and surly. You’re also much less productive.
How your clothes can help
So, how do you stay positive when everything seems to be falling apart and nothing is going your way? And more importantly, what exactly can clothes do to make you feel better and heal on bad days? There are a couple of ways that your clothes can make you heal on a bad day. Let’s discuss these options!
Your clothes have an effect on your thinking
Research by a team of psychologists from California State University and Colombia University has revealed that the clothes we wear can influence the way we think. The research revealed that; wearing formal or professional clothes makes people think abstractedly. Professional dressing creates a social distance which makes people’s thinking processes more abstract. In other words, it increases creativity by allowing people to think outside the box or less conventionally. These positive effects manifest through the feelings of power we experience when we dress smartly. And there is also the fact that you feel more confident when sharing your ideas, especially if you’re dressed smartly and formally.
Your clothes influence the way people address you
There is nothing worse than having someone speak to you rudely on your bad day. You may pretend not to feel bad, but the words will make you feel worse. So why not dress exceptionally? You’ve probably heard the proverb, “the way you’re dressed is the way you will bead dressed.” You’re probably wondering if this is true or not. If you’ve not already confirmed it yet, let me give you a little illustration. When you think of CEOs, you think of someone dressed in a fitted suit in a really expensive watch and loafers, and hairstyled professionally. If you see a young man with a punk hairstyle, some weird t-shirt, and sagging sweatpants, your impression of him may not be so good and you would be very reluctant to accept it if you hear that he’s the CEO of any company.
What’s my point? Everything about the way you dress makes a statement to the people who come across you. It also dictates their first impression of you. When you’re having a bad day, you don’t have to dress the way you feel. When you’re depressed is the best time to dress to the nines and look your best because it makes you feel more confident and people will also address you with respect.
Your clothes can also cheer you up or make things better
Instead of drowning your depression with ice cream or alcohol on a bad day, why not dress up and go out. If it’s a work day, wear your best suit that makes you feel more confident and better. Apart from the pleasant compliments from people who think you look good, your clothes will also make you feel better. You can also wear that great dress you have at the back of your closet and go to a club somewhere alone or with your friends. If they don’t cheer you up, dancing to music and a little drinking will also help.
Two professors from the Kellogg School of Management in Chicago did a little research to check the significance of the symbolic value and emotional attachments we give to clothes, in order to demonstrate the way clothing and costume affect us. They conducted the study with two sets of people wearing the same white coat. Two groups were told that the coats belonged to a doctor and a painter respectively. The group with the lab coat belonging to a doctor paid better attention while the other group didn’t.
There are some clothes you wear that make you feel bad usually because something bad or negative happened while you were wearing them. It could be that you were told that a relative died while you were wearing those clothes or you lost a job wearing those clothes. There are also some other clothes or accessories that we see as our good luck charm. When you wear that necklace with your dead parent’s picture, you feel secure as though that parent is watching over you and protecting you. This is proof that wearing clothes with positive symbolism can make you feel better.
Like it was once with me – I had to finish my essay for the college but couldn’t help myself anyhow.
I even watched some reviews at boom essay sreviews and Essayedgereviewsto find some good examples, but I still couldn’t help myself… The case is that I still had some doubts if I should order my works and also about the quality of the paid services until I found that even the best college essay writers sometimes order them. Also, my friend advised me to order an assignment from BestEssay –one of the best essay writing service and professional dissertation writing service.
That day I finished my essay without any help – I just took a shower and changed my clothes for stylish and cool, which I loved very much over the great moments that they reminded me. I was wearing them during my last most successful and the most important exam. After doing so I’ve noticed that my clothes really empowered me for more and I eventually could concentrate and believe in myself to make my essay done till the deadline.
So, here are the best resources that might be very useful:
Everyone can have a bad day, however, but it is up to you only, how you will conquer with them by wearing the right clothes that you love.
very good to su your artical
Thanks, Witty,
and I’d like to hear your story )))
Yeah ,you stated very correct in this article about clothes