
Happy New Year

Wow, I can’t believe that it is a new year already. We are in 2018 and I am hoping to have a nice year. I think that I am going to ensure that I have a nice year haha. I can’t sit around and just watch everyone else have success anymore. I am ready to kill the nerves and get out there with my talent. I am editing my first book and going to self-publish it to Amazon this year. I am so excited about this because I have been in fear of doing this because many first books get negative ratings but I am going to do this and keep writing even if I get a few that don’t like what I have created. I write many different genres so I am ready for any and everything.

I hope that everyone is having an awesome year to start with and I hope that your month and year get even better especially if you are just now trying to become a freelancer. This is a hard task but it can be done. I am still working on a few jobs myself but I am trying to start my own paralegal business and writing business. Like I said before I am going to ensure I have a great year. I hope and pray I can make my dreams finally come true for a change.


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