
Birth Order One- Follow Up

This is a follow up on a post I did earlier. I asked you in a poll where your birth order was in the family. Most people who responded were the youngest in the family.

The participants marked yes or no on the statements. Let’s see if these few Virily members agree with the experts

  1. The oldest child is typically a good student – The experts said yes and most of you did as well.
  2. The oldest child is typically fearful in new situations. – The experts say yes and only one got it correct.
  3. The oldest child is typically is empathetic. – The experts say no. It was split pretty evenly with you.
  4. The oldest child is typically dependent on others for approval. The experts say yes. You disagreed for the most part.
  5. The oldest child is typically persistent. The experts said no and all of you said yes.
  6. The oldest child is typically is respectful of authority. The experts say yes and most of you agree.
  7. The oldest child is typically a leader. The experts say yes and again most of you agree.
  8. The oldest child is typically team player. The experts say no and most of you agree.
  9. The oldest child is typically cooperative.The experts say no and most of you agree.

Remember that very few took the time to actually answer the nine yes or no questions. So it really doesn’t provide us much information on the subject. Perhaps there will be more participation in the future and not just views.


What do you think?

Written by Ghostwriter