
And Comes the Fourth Generation – 98

The Board hired another matron, Ann South, but she could not start until the death bed was removed from the bedroom.   Joe promised to do so every day from September 1.

It was now the end of September, two months after his mother had died.

Ann South was not a member of the Church.  Why they hadn’t hired one of their own was the result of Selma’s dying in the House.

If Ann South got sick, could be swept out as so much rubbish.

Loud mouthed Odette didn’t fear the new matron.  She’d play ‘busy’ as long as the eyes were on her, steal and enjoy her semi-vacation.

She knew how stupid the Board members were.  She liked working for people as oblivious as they are.

They wanted the Title; “President” but couldn’t preside over a  cub scout meeting.

Those who were able, lived off of money they didn’t earn, using their names as currency.  Those who had no money, sold everything they could to maintain their ‘image’.

For the Fourth Generation, image was everything.


What do you think?

Written by jaylar