
A Time and A Place

There is a time and a place for everything. Often times there is a beginning and an end. There often comes a time when no matter how hard it may be, the tough choices have to be made. How long do you put up with being treated badly, or invisible, or preached at, or persecuted? If you are feeling that you are in that spot right now, then enjoy this song. Sing it loud and clear and see if you can get some of it out of system.

After you realize that you really don’t care anymore your lifestyle changes and you begin to create the life that fits you.  It doesn’t mean that you toss all good things away, and you realize that the people and things you are concerned about should be the people who love and care about you. Let go of the rest.

It’s an emotional cleanse that can truly help you remember what things are really important to you and give you the freedom to take care of yourself. Once you are a peace with yourself that find friends, family and peers who appreciate who you are and aren’t always trying to fix you, save you, or change your core beliefs.

You are unique for a reason.


What do you think?

Written by Ghostwriter