Good quality soil is the ultimate guide for a beautiful and healthy garden. By conducting a soil test you can have an idea of what ingredients your soil is missing. You get a comprehensive soil nutrient report and find out about shortages when you submit a sample to a laboratory.
This valuable information can be attained through cbr testing. The test results are used to determine the thickness of the floor and its pavements with the curves.
You can carry out the following tests to find out the condition of your garden. In the active rising week in the spring you should take all5 measures.
Soil composition
If the soil is damp, dig a hole between 6 and 10 centimeters deep. Divide an intact portion of soil about the size of a cup and break it down with your bare hands.
Check if the soil is powdery or cloggy. Your soil should preferably consist of crumbs of various dimensions, which retain its shape under moderate pressure. Open-pore soils permit water and oxygen to move freely.
How compact it is
Dive a wire flag into the ground vertically at various locations.Label the bending depth of the wire.The soil is as compacted as the faster it curves.An easy to penetrate soil foot or more is fine.
Compacted soil prevents the production of root and water and prevents the free movement of earthworms and other essential sole fauna.
Maybe the last time you got a garden ready for seedling you realized about the workability of your soil.The workability is poor when groundwork or digging creates cloddy or platform-like clumps.By testing how much tractor fuel they need, farmers test the workability.
The effort required to make beds for planting tells you clearly about it. Workable soil makes it easy for to reach water roots and less likely to be compacted.
Soil creature
The number of organisms in your garden soil can be found out digging at least six inches and look at the hole carefully for four minutes. Tick out each creature, including centipedes, earthen beetles, and spiders, number and species observed. Because most soil species expend light, study the soil carefully to discover the shy inhabitants.
Your garden has not as many active players in the food chain if you count under 10. One of the most obvious signs of soil quality is a thriving population of numerous fungi, bacteria, and insects.
The fewer chances are for harmful pests and diseases if there are many such creatures. Rising soil life level contributes to removing plant residues and providing more nutrients for production.
Presence of water
Wait until the rain and then record how long it soaks by plants.Results vary considerably from region to region.
The key lesson is that if plants need more irrigation than is normal for your area, it is probably your soil that is to blame.
Porous soil can better withstand evaporation and provide plants adequately between watering.
Thank you for sharing. I love gardening and my present problem is the fungus that kills the roots of some plants.
Good tips for everyone to follow in the garden.