
My Sleep, Greens, & Lemon-Infused Water Day

Tuesday, 12.17.19

Last night, I had fallen asleep in front of the television. I woke at at around 4 am to turn off the television as well as my computer, and I went back to sleep until 10 am. Then, I just lounged for two hours before I woke up to eat my brunch. I later decided to make stir-fry asparagus, broccoli, and brussel sprouts, with some mushrooms and garlic. Then, I went for a local walk in my area at 4 pm. It was cold but nice. There were lots of holiday decor at business window displays as well as some homes. Lots of people were eat at local restaurants. But the area was mostly quiet. I returned home and ate my green veggie stir-fry dinner. Then, I made a large glass of half a lemon infused in water. My dinner is good. I should cook more often. I usually buy it made most of the time. 


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