
How to Have the Perfect Shot for Your Sneakers on Instagram?

If you are a sneaker lover, you will always try to post the images of your sneakers on Instagram. This article provides information on the ways of taking a perfect photo of the sneakers.

People who love sneakers are increasing by day due to different reasons. One of the reasons is the increased usage of social network to market products. Instagram has proved to be one of the best platforms where you can show your love for the sneakers. There are many sneaker lovers looking for likes and comments for the image they have posted. When you are posting a photo on Instagram to show off your sneakers, you will do all your best to make sure that your khaki shoe laces and sneakers have been seen by all your followers.

Here are a few tips which you can use to make sure you have posted the best picture of your sneakers on the internet. Here are some tips to consider.

Know the Location

When you need to take a photo of the sneakers, it is good to be aware of the location. By location, we mean finding the perfect spot where people who see your photos will be looking at the sneakers and not something else.

This does not mean spending so much time looking for the best place to have the picture. A local park or a parking lot can serve as your location.

Have Appropriate Lighting

When taking a photo lighting plays a great role. When taking photos of sneakers for Instagram, using poor lighting will make the people not to trust brand you are wearing and they will claim that they are fake. Make sure you have appropriate lighting before taking the picture.

Editing Your Pictures

Every photographer has their own way of editing their pictures. The way in which you have carried out the editing process will make you stand out from the rest on Instagram.

If you need to use a phone to edit your picture, common apps such as Snapseed can be used. Others such as Lightroom can also be used to produce a great shot.

Avoid Too Much Editing

Avoid manipulating the photo so much to the extent that it will affect the coloring of the sneakers. People will fail to notice the exact color of the sneakers meaning they will not trust you at all.

Check on Your Angles When Taking the Photo

Angles are important when you are taking pictures. Taking the photo of the sneakers from above would be a good option of showing off your new pair but if you need more likes on your sneaker photo, you will have to do it better.

Check different photos from different angles and access them and determine the angle of each of the photos.

Have Creativity

When it comes to getting the best photo of your sneakers on Instagram, you need to be creative and see the different patterns you will have to use to ensure you have the best picture. Think out of the box and come up with something which people have never seen on Instagram.

Taking a photo of the sneakers in the right way will help you show off your beautiful khaki shoe laces by using the above-mentioned tips.


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Written by James Dean

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