
The Corona Virus Impact on Television

There was a time that a ‘season’ ran from September to May.  A show had about 38 episodes a year.  During the break there were reruns. So that the show remained ‘on the air’.  

During the break there was the shooting of new episodes on a tight schedule.   There was always a bit of a ‘bank’ of episodes so that when episode 10 was airing, the actors were finishing episode 18. 

Today, seasons are much shorter and it seems that there is no ‘bank’.

The Corona virus had caused a large number of shows to cease production.  Viewers, locked down, depending on this kind of entertainment, have to look elsewhere.

Some will dive into vintage shows they never watched or watched so many years ago they scarcely recall the plots.

The question, of course, is what is going to happen to those shows which are locked down and the studios are earning nothing?   What is going to happen to the television stations which depend on advertisements?

As many products and services are not going to be utilised, why advertise a cruise, a flight, an event, which isn’t going to happen?  Or products which are scarce?

The effect of the Corona Virus is going to be long lasting.


What do you think?

Written by jaylar


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