
Neil Diamond Concert

I am really in the mood to listen to some good old Neil Diamond Hits. Many of his songs have great meaning to many people. I invite you to hop on and add some of your favorites. If you don’t I will just keep filling it up until it says I am done.

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#2 Neil Diamond "I Am… I Said"

It seem appropriate to post the lyrics. They have great meaning.

Did you ever read about a frogWho dreamed of bein' a kingAnd then became oneWell, except for the namesAnd a few other changesIf you talk about me,The story's the same one

But I got an emptiness deep insideAnd I've triedBut it won't let me goAnd I'm not a man who likes to swearBut I never caredFor the sound of being alone

"I am"...I saidTo no one thereAnd no one heard at allNot even the chair"I am"...I cried"I am"...said IAnd I am lost and I can'tEven say why

"I am"...I said"I am"...I cried"I am""I am"...I said"I am"...I cried"I am"

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