Tuesday, 5.15.21
I went early at the Woodbridge Village Center because I wanted to check something at the stores there. I didn’t find what I was looking. It was hot today. It was from 87 to 91 degrees, and humid. 13 people showed up for the walk. At least, there was a nice breeze blowing, but it was still hot and humid. Afterwards, I decided to hang out with some people and buy a cup of frozen yogurt because I was dying for something cold. I got two flavors–toffee/banana and strawberry, with some strawberry-flavored bubble pop round red things on top. I like them. I have had them before. All of the sudden, I noticed it was 9:30 pm, and I forgot to open a light for Gumby because I didn’t think I would stay this late. So, I decided to leave.
On the Woodbridge Walk, I walked 5.2 miles and 13,153 steps. And, in the morning, I did around 10 miles at the gym. It was a good workout day. I remember that this morning, I had a lot of energy. Then, after lunch, I took a nap. But this evening, I felt a little drained because of the humidity, although not tired.