
Gym Workout 9.30.21

Thursday, 9.30.21

 I woke up early to feed Gumby, before making myself a cup of oatmeal, cacao powder, cacao nibs and honey smoothie. I took my vitamins with my smoothie, before I wore my gym clothes and sneakers. Then, I realized I lost my car keys. I went through all my purses, especially the ones I have been recently using, but no sign of my car keys. I remembered that that last time I used my VW was on Monday afternoon, when I took my Huffy bicycle to the bike shop. I had laid down my keys on the garage floor, at the side, while I carefully took out my bicycle from the back and walked it to the front door and into the foyer. I went straight to the garage, and there were my keys, in the same place I left it, 3 days ago. I cannot believe I forgot it there for that long. I am so absentminded.

 I drove to the gym at 9:30am.  I decided to do the Silversneakers one-hour class, which is mostly a stretching class utilizing dumbbells, band, small ball, and ring to help improve circulation for old people. I am getting there. It is a good warmup class before I do other stuff. Then, I sat in the steam room and sauna for a while. It was filled with men today. Then, I walked on the treadmill for 30 minutes. I did the Maui, Hawaii Haleakala Run, which has a video. I burned 370 calories, walking the 2-mile road trail. It is a busy area, filled with cyclists, some cars, some motorcycles, and pedestrians. I left at 11:30 am.  

I decided not to go to this evening’s book meetup because I wanted to check out a jazz concert at UC Irvine at 8 pm. 


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