
A bakery in Washington D C is a school for military veterans

Thanks to the efforts of a Jesuit priest named Rick Curry who passed away in 2015 and entrepreneur Connie Milstein who shared a desire to assist disabled military personnel find a purpose in life after their days serving in the U S Armed Forces came to an end, a bakery that is located in the Georgetown neighborhood in Washington D C called “The Dog Tag Bakery” is assisting the military veterans to ease their lives from military service to civilian life.

Most of the military veterans who have served in the U S Armed Forces lack a purpose in life since there is no school or program so they can learn skills to use in their lives after their work in the military comes to and end.

What the former military servicemen and servicewomen go through is similar to some professional sports stars go through when their life of playing a sport they love comes to an end.

Both the former sports star and military servicemen and servicewomen need something to keep them busy doing something they enjoy doing.

“The Dog Tag Bakery” which is a school for military veterans to learn skills like speaking in public, accounting and marketing skills which last a period of six months.

Professors include executives of major corporations who share their knowledge with the military veterans to follow their example how to be a success in the business world.

The program which is part of the Georgetown University’s School of Continuing Studies where the students receive a certificate in business administration which enables them to keep on serving their community in that chosen fields.

It is very nice to see that military personnel have a reason to keep finding ways to stay busy and find happiness in their lives after their service to our nation is finished.


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Written by Deepizzaguy

Satire writer, loves WordGirl cartoons, baseball fan and an old school hero fan.


    • My pleasure to share some good news that one university does have a school to assist our veterans to find a purpose in life after their military service has come to an end.