
When the Cold War Ended – 28

Although never mentioned, the class divisions in both the East and West have been drawn with thick borders.

Those at the top, or aware there is a top, will ensure their children are active, healthy and attend real schools.

Those in the middle will pay for ‘private’ schools, many which are diploma factories. The child will complete secondary education and be unable to gain a place at a real University.   If going for tertiary, the child l only qualifies for the least.

Those at the bottom will attend public schools, and probably be offered more education than those at the private institutions.  If they have ambition and are focused can gain a place at a reputable University.   That is, if they are not distracted by their neighbourhood, the gangs and drugs and crime and pathetic living conditions.

It is expected that 90% will be diverted, leaving only the top 10% which society has use for.

The bottom line is that during the Cold War society had need for the Best and Brightest.  That after, only those with money and power are important.


What do you think?

Written by jaylar

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