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UE first part!

In the last century, many European countries fought against each other in the two world wars and millions died. The economy of Europe has suffered greatly, and its map has been restored because the borders of certain European countries have changed. Frenchman Robert Schuman and Jean Monnet have launched the idea that the two countries previously in conflict, France and Germany, should collaborate in the future for the good management of coal and steel production, instead of making weapons to fight one in the right other!

Thus, on May 9, 1950, the French Foreign Minister Robert Schuman proposed the establishment of an organization called the European Coal and Steel Community (ECSC). Belgium, Germany, France, Italy, Luxembourg and the Netherlands were the first ECEC member countries since 1952! # 1 #UE will continue!


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12 Points

Written by Lorso


  1. vai Doamne, cand am intrat in UE.. am zis ca l-am apucat pe Dzeu de picior. de ce? pt ca ne saturasem sa facem naveta la 3 luni obligatoriu acasa din Sp cu autobuzul. din Buzau cu trenul la de acolo cu autobuzul. si la intoarcere tot la fel. trebuia sa vi la viza. apoi treb sa te intorci in 5..7 zile inapoi ca munceam na.. dar trebuia sa stai in tara 2..3 luni..numai stiu. si de aceea ne duceam din cluj ca aveau soferii blat..50 la unguri si 50 la austr si gata..sti tu.. . am ramas cu sechele.apoi cand nu a m-ai fost nevoie de pe avioane am sarit..hahahaa…vai ce-a trecut timpul.. amintirii na..