American Teresa Crawford was eight years old was the star of the local volleyball team and a member of the volleyball teams in seven countries. When you fell in love with Boris, with him she decided to focus her life in a completely different direction. Their tale is played out on Tara where they live with their three children. Tereza and Boris met in Switzerland, and he has worked in her team as a fitness trainer. . On this mountain have implemented specific concept Tara Retreat – retreat into nature. In your house receive all people who lack peace and recognize their desires and possibilities for a change. Tereza and Boris have three children – sons and Ranka Jackson and young daughter Tesla, which yesterday turned two. Kids have a lot of toys purchased, but they make them for yourself is my mom and dad. Childhood carried out on the periphery of the forest and the green mountainous expanses. Teresa uses food from nature. It is customary to leave the house, walked through forests and accumulate what you will eat for lunch. Boris and she occasionally came to Belgrade where complement their supplies with organic ingredients.
Very nice post and photo.