<a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mother_Teresa" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Source</a>
Agnes Gonxha Bojaxhi (26 August 1910 – 5. novembar 1997) was born in Skopje in Armanian-Albanian Catholic family. At 18, in 1929, for the first time coming to Calcutta as a sister Loreto order, and the next 68 years, carried out in India, where he founded a monastic order of the most successful in the history of the Catholic Church Missionaries of Charity (Missionaries of grace).
Teresa’s reputation as the “angel of the poor” and a prominent humanitarian workers culminated in her canonization in 2016 when it became the “Saint Teresa of Calcutta,” but myth and history offered conflicting interpretations of her character and work. To Teresa became a saint recognized by the rules of the Catholic Church, it was necessary that the Pope recognizes and verifies two miracles (defined as “scientifically inexplicable” events) that have committed during their lifetime – the first was confirmed by John Paul II in 2003, and another Pope Francis in 2015 . and in both cases it was the alleged healing the sick.
The first indication of the miracle comes from East Bengal by nuns Rite mascara claiming that her healing from paralysis Teresina posthumous intervention. Sister, who was paralyzed after a failed surgery hernia, argued that 12 days after the death of Mother Teresa experienced contact with the cloth which was previously touched her body and then she heard her voice that her commands to get up and walk away, which she did.
Imagine if the world had a million people like her
nice postI love this woman
I love this woman. I am so fascinated by her works.