
Mirette on the High Wire

Mirette on the High Wire is a beautiful children’s book. It tells the story of a retired wire walker who is . . . afraid of heights!  Well, he lost his confidence and can’t walk the wire anymore. Mirette is a young girl who is stuck washing floors in her mother’s Inn inn Paris.  The story happens in the early 1900’s, and has an old world charm.

The two become friends and then the magic happens.  You have to read this story!  The illustrations tell as much of the story, so pay close attention. When you are reading this book to kids, ask them to point out the interesting details.

I read this book many times to my children. They loved it!

After doing some research, Henry Bellini was a famous daredevil, and he tried to cross the Niargra Falls on August 25 1873.  He had to jump off and was picked up by a boat. For more information go here: Henry Bellini


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