
Hooligan A Novel

‘Hooligan  A Novel’ written by Phillip Winkler in 2018 by Arcade Publishing is a novel of 290 pages.  This is a German story of making connections in life.  It is a story of a family that belongs to Heiko and how survival is an important part of life no matter where in the world you live.  The main character of Heiko has many issues to learn from dealing with family and society.  A story of surviving the gang mentality and of accepting what one is given in this life.

Phillip Winkler and his novel ‘Hooligan’ is a book that through the use of contemporary language is one that will show and tell the reader what living in a particular society will do to you.  It is really up to the person as in Heiko what and how this character survives in the real world with his ‘family’ of choice.  Making choices is what this book is all about.

This is a fictional story that will help readers understand what constitutes a family and a community.  Phillip Winkler writes blatantly about his understanding of family, friends, and others.  I would use this book as a part of a friendship group to show the students that there are various issues that effect us all at various degrees.  We will survive as Heiko does.


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Written by 1Mark

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