<a href="http://kulturkokoska.rs/ringe-ringe-raja-faberzeova-jaja/" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Source</a>

<a href="http://www.zivot.sk/fotogaleria/550292/najslavnejsie-velkonocne-vajicka-carovne-na-fabergeho-skvost-cakali-rok-rusky-miliardar-ich-skupil-15-naraz" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Source</a>
Faberge was a Frenchman, even though his name suggests this conclusion. Faberge was Peter Karl. On the other hand, he was not a German, although his name suggests this conclusion. Peter Carl Fabergé identify themselves as Russian, and in Russia it was born – in 1846 in the imperial St. Petersburg. However, his father Gustav was a Baltic German of French origin. Gustav was in the former Russian capital met Denmark’s charming Charlotte, who will shortly after their meeting a mother of Peter Karl. Practically already born Charles professional orientation was sealed: jeweler. This Franco-German-Danish Rus inherited his father’s jewelry store, House Faberge (rus. Dom Faberge), founded a few years before his birth in a dark basement sanktpeterburškom. In addition to producing everything – from silver platter to the finest harmonica, House Faberge she was involved in cataloging and maintenance of objects from the collections of the nearby Hermitage. In that time it’s been over a century since Catherine the Great compiled the first collection of works of art of the Hermitage, and the Karlovo time of this museum is the most important treasures of art in Russia. Karl also comes into contact with high art from around the world, which will affect the formation of his complex style in the design of jewelry and other delicacies (and eggs). From basement workshop to a global sensation been a long time, but these two consecutive years were the key milestones in the emerging cult of Faberge: 1881 management of the family business takes Karl, and management and design course joins him and sixteen years younger brother Agaton; 1882 brothers shiny exhibit their products at the All-Russian Exhibition in Moscow where their šljašt noticed none other than car the whole of Russia, Alexander III Alexandrovich Romanov, who commands us to work Houses Faberge exhibit at the Hermitage, so that everyone could see the closeness of Russian craftsmanship perfection. Being spotted by good is no small thing. Being spotted by the good of the Emperor still less is not a small thing. And when that car you noticed you order eggs … you make egg. Egg firstborn Russians when they love, they love to love passionately. They give love and color of the imperial love can not be another until golden. Except when the imperial love wrap gown modesty and breakthroughs in white. Something like that seems to egg by Czar Alexander out of love gave to his wife, Empress Maria Fjodorovnoj for Easter 1885. How is a cast of gold, surely to win the weekly tournament fucking, however remains untested by Marija egg used in the fighting, and that you may have intentionally left up to win their children. However, if they wanted to cheat and fight the golden egg, she could do this and that, and that hardly anyone doubts the origin of Mary’s arms: the egg is coated with enamel white and from the looks of an ordinary chicken egg divides by only one gold line. The concept of Kinder-egg-surprise was known as Karl Faberge, due to the fact that this and every next egg contained a surprise in itself. When the firstborn egg yolk has, just like the Kinder egg, or indeed any other egg. The fact that this is the yolk of gold is not surprising, but what certainly is the fact that the yolk contains a surprise: there’s a little chicken, which is in addition to the gold and certainly cultural. But that is not all! I hen hides a surprise. This last surprise was lost in prevrtljivoj fate of eggs that will participate in some of the later, sadder years after the novel, but it is known that in a golden crown and a miniature ruby pendant. This egg was called simply Hen (rus. Kuročka), and that the simple design of Karl Faberge and delighted the emperor and the empress, it has placed the cornerstone of the tradition from which will result in a total of 50 imperial Fabergé Easter eggs.
Nice post thank you sharing.
Odlican tekst.Super Snezana.
Nice post thank you very much