
Electric Feel

(Photos courtesy of Ever After…..)

When I see the show, “This Old House”, on the air, I just get frustrated.  I don’t know anything about tools, or fixing  things, and I wish I could watch something else, like a cooking show.  I suppose I would watch that show if it were called, “This Old Haunted  House.”

I know a lot about the paranormal.  I can sense energy all around me.  I can feel the positive energy, and I always feel the negative energy.  People are always throwing their projections at me.  No, they don’t have the stomach flu.

What I  mean is, they don’t realize they are projecting.  They get nosy, and pretend they know my life.  They can’t know my life, when they don’t even know me.  They hear rumors, and worse yet, they have the audacity to believe them.

I guess they feel like they are better than me.  It is this belief that they hold, that tells me exactly how insecure they are.  If they are comparing themselves to others, it means they never learned to accept themselves, and love themselves.  That is sad, and pathetic.

I know all about energy since I am empathic.  Like, if your kitchen faucet starts leaking out of nowhere, it means there is a poltergeist present in your home.  However, it could also be that your faucet is leaky again, and you need to call the plumber.   But, like I said before, I don’t know how to fix anything.  So let’s just say your house is haunted.  It’s safer to assume that.


What do you think?

Written by Maria Ayala